a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one:

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one, is often referred to as a dispute or controversy. This can involve conflicting opinions, beliefs, or interests between individuals or groups, leading to a prolonged and intense debate or conflict. Such disagreements can arise in various contexts, including personal relationships, business settings, political arenas, or legal disputes.

A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one, is known as a conflict. Conflicts can occur between individuals, groups, or even nations.

The term you are looking for is "conflict." Conflict can refer to a serious disagreement or argument between individuals or groups, often characterized by heated emotions and differing opinions. Resolving conflicts requires effective communication, understanding, and negotiation skills.

To address a conflict, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Identify the issue: Clearly define the specific points of disagreement or the root cause of the conflict.

2. Listen actively: Give the other person or group your full attention and genuinely try to understand their perspective. Avoid interrupting or dismissing their opinions.

3. Express your viewpoint: Clearly articulate your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Use "I" statements to express how the conflict affects you personally.

4. Seek common ground: Look for shared interests or values to establish a foundation for potential resolution. Finding common ground often helps to bridge differences and find compromises.

5. Explore alternatives: Brainstorm potential solutions together. Encourage open discussion and creativity while considering different perspectives and ideas.

6. Negotiate and compromise: Engage in a respectful and constructive dialogue to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Be willing to make concessions and find middle ground when necessary.

7. Communicate effectively: Ensure that all parties involved understand the agreed-upon resolution and any necessary steps to implement it. Follow up as needed to address any lingering concerns or issues that may arise.

Remember, conflict resolution is a skill that can be developed through practice and a commitment to understanding different viewpoints. By approaching conflicts with patience, empathy, and a willingness to find common ground, it is possible to navigate serious disagreements and arguments successfully.