Match each word to its definition.(2 points) Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse. hopeless; depressing threatening not giving up highly respected graceful; agile and menacing, bleak, lithe, prestigious, insistent

hopeless - not giving up

depressing - bleak
threatening - menacing
highly respected - prestigious
graceful; agile - lithe
menacing - insistent

"My Brother's Keeper" Choose the best answer for questions 9–10. Where does the short story “My Brother’s Keeper” begin? (1 point) Responses in the courtroom in the courtroom at Uncle Harry's house at Uncle Harry's house in Ted's fantasy in Ted's fantasy on a fishing trip on a fishing trip

at Uncle Harry's house

What is it Ted wants Jamie to do for him? (1 point) Responses Give him an alibi in court Give him an alibi in court Forge some documents Forge some documents Borrow money from Uncle Harry Borrow money from Uncle Harry Go out with his old girlfriend

Give him an alibi in court

"The Scarlet Ibis" Choose the best answer for questions 11–12. The narrator of the story is _________ (1 point) Responses a young boy with a disability. a young boy with a disability. a young girl with a disabled brother. a young girl with a disabled brother. a parent of a disabled child. a parent of a disabled child. an adult who had a disabled brother.

an adult who had a disabled brother.

The scarlet ibis lands on a __________ in the narrator’s backyard. (1 point) Responses bleeding tree bleeding tree cypress tree cypress tree lilac bush lilac bush wheelchair

cypress tree

Poems of Passage: Booth, Collins, Lorde Choose the best answer for questions 13–15. What is the “first lesson” described in the poem by this name? (1 point) Responses how to float on one's back how to float on one's back how to do the backstroke how to do the backstroke how to tread water when one is tired how to tread water when one is tired how to identify the stars out at sea how to identify the stars out at sea