Which words contain a root word related to "rule”? Select three options.




The three words that contain a root word related to "rule" are:

1. Monarchy - Monarchy is a form of government where a single ruler, usually a king or queen, exercises supreme authority.
2. Democracy - Democracy is a form of government where the power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives, who rule by majority.
3. Govern or Governor - Govern is a verb that means to exercise authority, control, or direction over a country, state, or organization. Governor is a noun that refers to the elected or appointed leader of a state or other political division. Both words are derived from the root word "rule."

To find the words that contain a root word related to "rule," we need to identify words that have a connection to the concept of governing or governing systems. Here are the three options that contain such a root word:

1. Monarchy: Monarchy is a form of government where a king or queen rules as the head of state.
2. Democracy: Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who exercise it directly or through elected representatives.
3. Governor: A governor is a person who is appointed or elected as the chief executive of a state or a province, responsible for implementing laws and governing the region.

By understanding the meanings of these words and their connection to the concept of "rule," we can identify them as containing a root word related to "rule."