Write 5 Sentences containing countable nouns and indicate them.and pls indicate them .

1. I have three cats as pets. (countable noun: cats)

2. There are five books on the shelf. (countable noun: books)
3. He owns two cars, a black one and a red one. (countable noun: cars)
4. Can you please pass me four spoons? (countable noun: spoons)
5. The store has ten different flavors of ice cream. (countable noun: flavors)

1. I have two dogs as pets. (The countable noun here is "dogs.")

2. There are five apples in the fruit basket. (The countable noun here is "apples.")
3. She bought three books from the bookstore. (The countable noun here is "books.")
4. I saw four birds on the tree this morning. (The countable noun here is "birds.")
5. There are six chairs in the dining room. (The countable noun here is "chairs.")

Sure! Here are five sentences containing countable nouns, with the countable nouns indicated:

1. I have three apples in my bag. (countable: apples)
2. He bought two books from the bookstore. (countable: books)
3. We found four chairs for the dining table. (countable: chairs)
4. She owns five dogs, all of different breeds. (countable: dogs)
5. There are six cars parked in front of the house. (countable: cars)

In each sentence, the countable noun refers to an item that can be individually counted and quantified.