Write 5 Sentences containing countable nouns and indicate them.and pls indicate them

1. The boy had five apples in his backpack. (apples - countable noun)

2. There were six books on the shelf. (books - countable noun)
3. The teacher handed out ten pens to the students. (pens - countable noun)
4. I bought three shirts at the mall yesterday. (shirts - countable noun)
5. She had two dogs and three cats as pets. (dogs, cats - countable nouns)

1. I have three cats, named Oliver, Luna, and Milo.

2. Can you pass me two pencils from the desk?
3. There are five oranges in the fruit bowl.
4. She has four children, all of whom are girls.
5. I bought a pair of shoes yesterday that I really like.

Sure! Here are five sentences containing countable nouns with the nouns indicated:

1. I have three dogs. (dogs)
2. She bought five apples from the grocery store. (apples)
3. The children played with their new toys. (toys)
4. He owns two cars. (cars)
5. We ate delicious hamburgers for dinner. (hamburgers)

In all of these sentences, the nouns (dogs, apples, toys, cars, hamburgers) are countable because they can be expressed as discrete units and can be pluralized.