An ice cube is placed on a metal block that is at a room temperature of 30oC. Which statement describes the transfer of heat between the ice cube and metal block?(1 point)

Heat is transferred from the air and metal to the ice cube, and the ice melts.
Heat is transferred from the air and metal to the ice cube, and the ice melts.

Heat is transferred from the ice cube to the metal block, and the ice melts.
Heat is transferred from the ice cube to the metal block, and the ice melts.

Heat is transferred from the air to the ice cube, and the ice melts.
Heat is transferred from the air to the ice cube, and the ice melts.

Heat is transferred from the ice cube to the air, and the ic

Heat is transferred from the metal block to the ice cube, and the ice melts.

Heat is transferred from the metal block to the ice cube, and the ice melts.

The correct statement is: Heat is transferred from the air and metal to the ice cube, and the ice melts.

When an ice cube is placed on a metal block, heat is transferred from the air and the metal block to the ice cube. Since the room temperature is higher than the temperature of the ice cube, heat flows from the warmer surroundings (air and metal) to the cooler ice cube. This transfer of heat causes the ice cube to absorb energy and melt.