Write 5 Sentences containing common nouns and indicate them.

1. I went to the grocery store to buy some apples and bread. (common nouns: grocery store, apples, bread)

2. We saw a beautiful sunset at the beach last night. (common nouns: sunset, beach)
3. My sister and I visited the museum to see the art exhibition. (common nouns: museum, art exhibition)
4. The dog chased the rabbit through the park. (common nouns: dog, rabbit, park)
5. I bought a new book from the bookstore. (common nouns: book, bookstore)

1. The dog (common noun) played fetch in the park with its owner.

2. The book (common noun) on the shelf had an interesting storyline.
3. The car (common noun) zoomed down the highway at top speed.
4. The computer (common noun) displayed a blue screen of death and crashed.
5. The cup (common noun) was filled with hot, steaming coffee.

Sure! Here are 5 sentences containing common nouns:

1. The dog chased the cat. (Common nouns: dog, cat)
2. The students studied for the exam. (Common nouns: students, exam)
3. The car drove down the street. (Common nouns: car, street)
4. The bookshelf was filled with books. (Common nouns: bookshelf, books)
5. The flowers bloomed in the garden. (Common nouns: flowers, garden)

In these sentences, the common nouns are the words that represent general or non-specific people, animals, objects, or concepts. In each sentence, the common nouns are the main subjects or objects, such as the dog, cat, students, exam, car, street, bookshelf, books, flowers, and garden.