Write 5 Sentences containing common nouns and underline them

1. The dog ran eagerly towards its owner.

2. The children played in the park all afternoon.
3. The car zoomed past the traffic light.
4. The phone rang loudly, breaking the silence in the room.
5. The waitress brought us our drinks with a smile.

1. The teacher handed out worksheets to the students.

2. The dog chased the ball across the park.
3. I bought a new laptop for school.
4. The rain poured down on the city streets.
5. The doctor examined the patient thoroughly.

Sure! Here are five sentences with common nouns underlined:

1. The dog chased the ball at the park.
2. I saw a beautiful sunset over the ocean.
3. She bought a new phone to replace her old one.
4. The children played in the playground during recess.
5. A group of students walked to school together.

In each of these sentences, the underlined words represent common nouns.