What was the purpose of the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress?(1 point)


to declare independence
to declare independence

to name George Washington as commander in chief
to name George Washington as commander in chief

to make peace with Great Britain
to make peace with Great Britain

to explain to the public what their grievances and rights were as colonists

to explain to the public what their grievances and rights were as colonists

The purpose of the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress was to explain to the public what their grievances and rights were as colonists.

The purpose of the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress was to explain to the public what their grievances and rights were as colonists. To confirm this answer, one can read the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress itself. This document, which was adopted on October 14, 1774, outlines the grievances of the colonists against the British government and asserts their rights as British subjects. It also calls for a boycott of British goods and identifies the actions that should be taken in response to the Intolerable Acts imposed by the British. By examining the content and context of the document, one can determine that its purpose was to clarify the colonists' grievances and rights to both the British government and the general public.