Solve the inequality. Graph the solution set and write it in interval notation.

x - 5 >= - 7

Write the answer in interval notation.

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate the variable x.

Starting with:

x - 5 >= -7

First, we can add 5 to both sides of the inequality:

x - 5 + 5 >= -7 + 5

Which simplifies to:

x >= -2

The solution set, or graph, of this inequality is all real numbers greater than or equal to -2. This can be represented on a number line as a closed circle at -2, and an arrow extending to the right.

In interval notation, this can be written as:

[-2, +∞)

To solve the inequality x - 5 >= -7, we can first add 5 to both sides of the inequality to isolate x:

x - 5 + 5 >= -7 + 5

This simplifies to:

x >= -2

To graph the solution set, we can draw a number line and mark all the points that satisfy the inequality. In this case, since x is greater than or equal to -2, we would shade the number line to the right of -2:

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Next, to write the answer in interval notation, we use brackets [ ] to show that -2 is included in the solution set. Since the values start at -2 and extend to positive infinity, the interval notation is:

[-2, ∞)

To solve this inequality, you want to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Add 5 to both sides of the inequality:
x - 5 + 5 >= -7 + 5
x >= -2

This means that any value of x that is greater than or equal to -2 will satisfy the inequality.

To graph the solution set, you can represent it on the number line.

Start by drawing a number line and marking a point at -2. Then, shade the line to the right of -2 to indicate that any value greater than -2 is included in the solution set.

The graph would look like:

<img src="" height="200">

In interval notation, the solution set can be written as [-2, +∞). This notation represents all real numbers greater than or equal to -2, including -2 itself. The open square bracket indicates that -2 is included in the solution set, and the infinity symbol represents all possible values greater than -2.