(From "Books Before and After Johannes Gutenberg, Illuminate)

Question: Read the passage. What is the main idea of this text?

(1 point)

The significant historical importance of the printing press.
The significant historical importance of the printing press.

The very first publication produced using a printing press, the Gutenberg Bible.
The very first publication produced using a printing press, the Gutenberg Bible.

The structure of the printing press, comprising three smaller innovations.
The structure of the printing press, comprising three smaller innovations.

Giving credit to Gutenberg for the fifteenth-century invention of the printing press.

The main idea of the text is: "The significant historical importance of the printing press."

The significant historical importance of the printing press.

To determine the main idea of the text, you should read the entire passage to understand the overall message. However, based on the options provided, it seems that the main idea is likely "The significant historical importance of the printing press." This option is supported by the mention of the Gutenberg Bible, the structure of the printing press, and giving credit to Gutenberg for its invention, all of which indicate that the passage emphasizes the historical significance of the printing press.