Evaluate this expression.

32 + (−72.1)
A −104.1−104.1
B −40.1−40.1
C 40.140.1
D 104.1

The correct evaluation of the expression 32 + (-72.1) is A) -40.1.

To evaluate the expression 32 + (-72.1), you simply add the two numbers together.

32 + (-72.1) = -40.1

Therefore, the correct answer is B. -40.1

To evaluate the expression 32 + (−72.1), you need to perform the addition operation between the two numbers.

Step 1: Add 32 and (−72.1)
32 + (−72.1) = -40.1

Therefore, the expression evaluates to -40.1.

So, the correct answer is option B: -40.1