Write the inequality in interval notation. Then graph the interval. x <= - 3 or x > 2 Write the inequality in interval notation. Choose the correct answer below.

OA. ( - ∞, - 3lor(2, ∞)
OB. (- ∞, - 3)
OC. [- 3, 2] and (2, ∞)
OD. [- 3, 2)

The inequality x <= - 3 or x > 2 can be written in interval notation as (- ∞, - 3) U (2, ∞).

Thus, the correct answer is OB. (- ∞, - 3) U (2, ∞).

The correct answer is OC. [-3, 2) and (2, ∞).

In interval notation, "[]" denotes a closed interval and "()" denotes an open interval.

For the first part of the inequality, x <= -3, it can be expressed as the closed interval [-3, ∞).

For the second part of the inequality, x > 2, it can be expressed as the open interval (2, ∞).

Combining the two intervals, we get [-3, 2) and (2, ∞).

To write the inequality x <= -3 or x > 2 in interval notation, we need to separate the intervals and represent them using the appropriate symbols.

The inequality x <= -3 means that x can take any value that is less than or equal to -3. In interval notation, this can be represented as (-∞, -3] which means all real numbers from negative infinity up to and including -3.

The inequality x > 2 means that x can take any value that is greater than 2. In interval notation, this can be represented as (2, ∞) which means all real numbers greater than 2, but not including 2.

Combining both intervals, the correct answer would be OC. [-3, 2) represents all real numbers from -3 to 2 (including -3 but not including 2), and (2, ∞) represents all real numbers greater than 2.