in an experiment students are comparing the volume of four types of nuts which tool could be used accuratly measure the volume of each nut?



electronic balance

graduated cylinder

Electronic balance

what is the bring band we call milkyway

The bright band we call the Milky Way is actually the galactic plane of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It is a dense concentration of stars and other celestial objects that appear as a hazy band of light across the night sky.

in 3 words

Galactic Light Band

To accurately measure the volume of each nut in the experiment, the appropriate tool would be a graduated cylinder. A graduated cylinder is a piece of laboratory equipment designed for measuring liquid volumes accurately. In this case, it can be used to measure the volume of the nuts by displacement.

To accurately measure the volume of each nut, the most suitable tool would be a graduated cylinder. Here's how you can use it to measure the volume of nuts:

1. Start by filling the graduated cylinder with a known quantity of water, for example, 100 milliliters (ml).

2. Carefully drop one type of nut into the cylinder and note the new volume of water. Make sure the nut is fully submerged and that there are no air bubbles.

3. Subtract the initial volume of water from the new volume to get the volume of the nut. For example, if the initial volume was 100 ml and the new volume is 115 ml, the volume of the nut would be 115 ml - 100 ml = 15 ml.

4. Repeat this process for each type of nut, using the same amount of water in the cylinder each time.

By using a graduated cylinder, you can accurately measure the volume of each nut by comparing the change in water volume before and after adding the nut. This method works well because nuts are irregularly shaped and may not fit inside a beaker or can't be measured with a ruler accurately. Electronic balances, on the other hand, measure weight rather than volume, so they are not suitable for measuring the volume of nuts.