
In three to five sentences, state one important way people change the environment. List both the positive and negative impacts of that change on natural environment. Explain both types of impact.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. Positive impacts of deforestation include the creation of land for agriculture, infrastructure development, and the production of timber for various industries. However, the negative impacts are significant and include the loss of biodiversity, destruction of habitats for various species, increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and disruption of the water cycle. These negative impacts are detrimental to the natural environment, leading to ecosystem imbalance, climate change, and potential loss of essential resources.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. Positive impacts of deforestation include clearing land for agriculture or urban development, providing economic opportunities for communities, and generating employment. However, the negative impacts are more substantial, as deforestation results in the loss of biodiversity, destruction of habitats, disruption of ecosystems, increased carbon dioxide levels, soil erosion, and loss of water resources. These impacts contribute to climate change, loss of wildlife, decreased air and water quality, and overall degradation of the natural environment.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. Deforestation has positive impacts such as providing space for agriculture, urban development, and economic growth. However, it also has negative impacts as it leads to the loss of biodiversity, disrupts ecosystems, promotes climate change by reducing carbon sinks, and increases the risk of soil erosion and flooding. Positive impacts are related to human benefits, while negative impacts refer to the detrimental effects on the natural environment.