Why is photography important for historians?

(1 point)

It reveals all kinds of details about the era.

It reveals all kinds of details about the era.

It requires that they have photography skills.

It requires that they have photography skills.

It helps them if pictures were taken for historical records.

It helps them if pictures were taken for historical records.

Photographs are usually accompanied by written documents.

It helps them to corroborate or confirm written accounts.

Why is photography important for historians?

(1 point)

It reveals all kinds of details about the era.

It reveals all kinds of details about the era.

It requires that they have photography skills.

It requires that they have photography skills.

It helps them if pictures were taken for historical records.

It helps them if pictures were taken for historical records.

Photographs are usually accompanied by written documents.

It helps them to corroborate or confirm written accounts.

Photography provides a visual representation of historical events, places, and people. It allows historians to view and analyze specific details about a particular era or period. By examining photographs, historians can gain insights into the clothing, architecture, technology, and social norms of a specific time in history. These details might not always be captured or accurately documented in written records alone.

Additionally, photography helps historians if pictures were taken for historical records. Photographs can serve as primary sources that offer firsthand evidence of events, individuals, or locations. They provide tangible proof and can help historians piece together a more comprehensive understanding of history.

Moreover, photographs are often accompanied by written documents, such as captions, descriptions, or contextual information. These written records provide valuable context and help historians interpret and analyze the photographs accurately. By combining visual and written sources, historians can create a more well-rounded and nuanced narrative of the past.

In summary, photography is important for historians as it reveals details about the era, helps them corroborate written accounts, provides visual evidence, and allows for a more comprehensive understanding of history.

Why is photography important for historians?

(1 point)

It reveals all kinds of details about the era.

It requires that they have photography skills.

It helps them if pictures were taken for historical records.

Photographs are usually accompanied by written documents.

Photography is important for historians for several reasons:

1. Revealing details about the era: Photographs capture visual information that can provide valuable insights into the time period being studied. They can show details about fashion, daily life, architecture, landscapes, technology, and more. These visual records offer a unique perspective and help historians understand and interpret the past.

2. Corroborating historical records: Photographs can serve as evidence to support or verify written accounts. They provide a visual representation of events, people, and places, giving historians an additional source of information to cross-reference and validate their research.

3. Preserving historical records: Photographs, especially those taken specifically for archival purposes, can serve as valuable historical records. They capture moments in time that may not have been documented in written form, and they can provide invaluable evidence for future historians studying the same period.

4. Complementing written documents: Photographs are often accompanied by written documents such as captions, descriptions, or contextual information. These written records help historians understand the context and significance of the photographs, enhancing their interpretation and analysis.

In conclusion, photography is crucial for historians as it reveals details about the era, assists in corroborating historical records, helps preserve historical information, and works in conjunction with written documents to provide a more comprehensive understanding of history.

The motto “You press the button, we do the rest” was designed to highlight what aspect of the Brownie?

(1 point)

how little it cost

how little it cost

its small size

its small size

how easy it was to use

how easy it was to use

its technology

how easy it was to use

Which type of photographer was Margaret Bourke-White?

(1 point)

Civil War photographer

Civil War photographer

portrait photographer

portrait photographer

landscape photographer

landscape photographer

documentary photographer

documentary photographer

Which BEST explains why people in photographs from the 1800s tended to look so serious?

(1 point)

Smiling was not part of the culture.

Smiling was not part of the culture.

They had to sit very still for a few minutes.

They had to sit very still for a few minutes.

Photography was used to replace the art of painting.

Photography was used to replace the art of painting.

Only the wealthy had access to cameras.