Climbing to a large cliff is 50 feet higher then starting point it takes 22 min to climb interpet the quotient to describe the rate of change in elevation answer nearest hundred

The rate of change in elevation can be interpreted as the change in elevation per unit of time. In this case, the change in elevation is 50 feet and the time taken to climb is 22 minutes.

To calculate the rate of change in elevation, we divide the change in elevation by the time taken:

Rate of change in elevation = Change in elevation / Time taken
Rate of change in elevation = 50 feet / 22 minutes

To answer the question, we need to round the rate of change in elevation to the nearest hundred.

Since the rate of change in elevation is a fraction, we can convert it to a decimal:

Rate of change in elevation = 50/22 ≈ 2.27 feet per minute

Rounding this to the nearest hundred, we get:

Rate of change in elevation ≈ 2.3 feet per minute (nearest hundred)

To calculate the rate of change in elevation, we need to divide the change in elevation by the time taken to climb.

The change in elevation is given as 50 feet higher than the starting point.

The time taken to climb is given as 22 minutes.

Therefore, the rate of change in elevation is:

Rate of change in elevation = Change in elevation / Time taken to climb

Rate of change in elevation = 50 feet / 22 minutes

Now, let's calculate this:

Rate of change in elevation = 2.2727 feet per minute

Rounding this to the nearest hundred, the rate of change in elevation is approximately 2 feet per minute.

To interpret the quotient describing the rate of change in elevation, we need to find the slope of the climb, which represents the change in elevation over a certain period of time. In this case, we are given that the cliff is 50 feet higher than the starting point, and it takes 22 minutes to climb.

To calculate the rate of change in elevation, or the slope, we can divide the change in elevation by the time taken:

Rate of change = Change in elevation / Time taken

In this case, the change in elevation is 50 feet, and the time taken is 22 minutes. So, the rate of change in elevation can be calculated as:

Rate of change = 50 feet / 22 minutes

To answer the question to the nearest hundred, we can calculate the decimal value of the rate of change and round it to the nearest hundredth. However, as the question specifically asks for the answer to the nearest hundred, we will round to the nearest hundred.

Calculating this using a calculator, we find:

Rate of change ≈ 2.2727 feet per minute

Rounding to the nearest hundred, the rate of change in elevation is approximately 2.27 feet per minute.