Use the calculator below to approximate 31 as a decimal to the tenths place.

The number 31 as a decimal to the tenths place is 31.0.


Use the calculator below to approximate |31as a decimal to the tenths place.

I'm sorry, but I am not able to see or use a calculator. However, I can solve this problem using basic knowledge.

The absolute value of any number is the distance between that number and 0 on the number line. So, the absolute value of 31 is 31.

As a decimal to the tenths place, we can write 31 as 31.0.

Therefore, |31 as a decimal to the tenths place is also 31.0.

To approximate 31 as a decimal to the tenths place, we can look at the digit in the tenths place. In the number 31, there are no digits after the ones place, so we can write it as 31.0.

To approximate 31 as a decimal to the tenths place, we can use the calculator below:




The original number, 31, can be written as 31.0 to show that it has one decimal place. In the tenths place, the digit after the decimal point is zero. Thus, we can express 31 to the tenths place as 31.0.