You are given a sorted list of book titles and are asked to locate a title within the data and report on the author. What would be the most appropriate algorithm to use?(1 point) Responses bubble sort bubble sort binary search binary search linear search linear search merge sort

The most appropriate algorithm to use in this scenario would be binary search.

The most appropriate algorithm to use would be binary search.

The most appropriate algorithm to use for this task would be binary search.

Binary search is a divide and conquer algorithm that efficiently finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. It repeatedly divides the search space in half and compares the middle element with the target value. By discarding the half of the search space where the target value cannot be located, it quickly narrows down to the desired element.

To implement the binary search algorithm for locating a book title within the sorted list of book titles and reporting on the author, you would follow these steps:

1. Start with the sorted list of book titles.
2. Set up variables to keep track of the lower and upper bounds of the search range.
3. Set the lower bound to the first index of the list (0) and the upper bound to the last index of the list.
4. Calculate the middle index of the search range by taking the average of the lower and upper bounds.
5. Compare the target book title with the book title at the middle index.
6. If the target title is found at the middle index, report the author associated with that title.
7. If the target title is less than the book title at the middle index, update the upper bound to be one index lower than the middle index and repeat steps 4-6.
8. If the target title is greater than the book title at the middle index, update the lower bound to be one index higher than the middle index and repeat steps 4-6.
9. Continue narrowing down the search range until the target title is found or the lower bound becomes greater than the upper bound, indicating that the target title is not in the list.

By using binary search, you can efficiently locate the title within the sorted list and obtain the corresponding author. This approach has a time complexity of O(log N), where N is the number of book titles in the list, making it a very efficient algorithm for searching in sorted data.