
What would you like to do in Punta del Este, Uruguay? Write your answer in English.
(4 points)

In Punta del Este, Uruguay, I would like to explore the beautiful beaches, visit the famous hand sculpture "La Mano," take a stroll along the Rambla, and indulge in delicious seafood cuisine.


How do number and gender affect adjectives in the Spanish language? Write your answer in English.
(4 points)

In Spanish, adjectives change their form depending on the number and gender of the noun they are describing.

- In the singular form, adjectives agree with singular nouns. For example, "la casa blanca" (the white house).
- In the plural form, adjectives agree with plural nouns. For example, "las casas blancas" (the white houses).

- In Spanish, nouns are either masculine or feminine. Adjectives must agree with the gender of the noun they are describing.
- Masculine adjectives end in "-o" in the singular form, and "-os" in the plural form. For example, "el libro verde" (the green book), "los libros verdes" (the green books).
- Feminine adjectives end in "-a" in the singular form, and "-as" in the plural form. For example, "la mesa azul" (the blue table), "las mesas azules" (the blue tables).

It is important to note that there are exceptions and irregularities in adjective agreement, but these are the general rules.


Place the following words in the correct order: ordenadas personas gustan muy y las inteligentes Me
(4 points)

Las personas inteligentes y ordenadas gustan mucho a mí.


What do you think are the most important qualities for a best friend to have? What would he or she be like? Write at least three sentences in Spanish.

En mi opinión, las cualidades más importantes para un mejor amigo son la confianza, la sinceridad y la lealtad. Un mejor amigo debería ser alguien en quien se pueda confiar plenamente, contar secretos sin temor y recibir apoyo incondicional. También debería ser sincero, capaz de decir las verdades incluso si son difíciles de escuchar. Por último, la lealtad es esencial, siendo aquel que estará a tu lado en los buenos y malos momentos, siempre apoyándote.


What are at least two different ways you can ask what you or someone is like in Spanish? Write your answer in Spanish.
(4 points)

Dos formas diferentes de preguntar cómo eres o cómo es alguien en español son:

1. ¿Cómo eres tú/él/ella?
2. ¿Cómo te/lo/la describirías?

To find out what you can do in Punta del Este, Uruguay, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for information about Punta del Este. You can use search engines like Google or Bing to find websites or travel guides that provide information about the city.

2. Look for official tourism websites or travel blogs that offer recommendations on things to do in Punta del Este. These resources often list popular attractions, activities, and landmarks in the city.

3. Read reviews and ratings from other travelers who have visited Punta del Este. Websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp provide user-generated reviews and feedback about various places and activities in the city.

4. Consider the time of year you plan to visit Punta del Este. Depending on the season, there may be specific events, festivals, or outdoor activities that are more enjoyable or available during that time.

5. Make a list of possible activities and attractions that interest you. Some popular options in Punta del Este include visiting the famous beaches like Playa Mansa and Playa Brava, exploring the vibrant downtown area, visiting the iconic sculpture known as La Mano on the beach, enjoying water sports such as surfing or jet skiing, and experiencing the vibrant nightlife of the city.

Remember to consider your personal preferences, budget, and time constraints when choosing activities to do in Punta del Este.