Which statement describes why water has the unique ability to adhere to the windshield of your car as you drive down the road?

a. Covalent bonds cause the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.
b. Cohesion causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.
c. Adhesion causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.
d. Buoyancy causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.

c. Adhesion causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.

c. Adhesion causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.

To determine which statement describes why water has the unique ability to adhere to the windshield of your car, we need to understand the concepts and properties of water.

When water molecules come into contact with a solid surface, such as glass, several forces come into play. These forces include covalent bonding, cohesion, adhesion, and buoyancy.

Covalent bonding is the strong chemical bond that holds the atoms within a water molecule together. It does not directly influence the interaction between water and the glass surface.

Cohesion refers to the attraction between water molecules themselves. It is responsible for the formation of water droplets or the "beading" effect when water is on a surface. However, cohesion alone doesn't explain why water adheres to the glass.

Adhesion, on the other hand, refers to the attraction between water molecules and other substances. In this case, adhesion is responsible for the water molecules adhering to the glass surface. This allows the water to spread out, creating a thin film that can be observed on the windshield.

Buoyancy, however, is a different phenomenon that relates to the ability of a liquid to float or sink in another substance, such as water in the case of buoyant force. It does not directly influence the adhesion of water to the glass surface.

Given this information, the correct statement that describes why water has the unique ability to adhere to the windshield of your car is:

c. Adhesion causes the water molecule to be attracted to the glass.

Adhesion allows water molecules to stick to the glass surface due to their attractive forces, creating a film of water on the windshield.