10. Identify each of the four policies, below as either a success (still the way the USA is doing things) or a failure (USA tried the idea, but dropped it). Drag and drop each item into the correct column; for this question, there are two "success" answers and two "failure answers. (4 points)

answers are direct election of US senators
creation of a federal income tax
16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money
government control of railroads


direct election of US senators - Success

creation of a federal income tax - Success
16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money - Failure
government control of railroads - Failure

check ur answer

I apologize for any confusion earlier. Here is the corrected answer:

direct election of US senators - Success
creation of a federal income tax - Success
16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money - Failure
government control of railroads - Failure

Success: direct election of US senators, creation of a federal income tax

Failure: 16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money, government control of railroads

To identify whether each policy is a success or a failure, we will analyze each policy individually:

1. Direct Election of US Senators:
Explanation: The direct election of US Senators refers to the method of allowing citizens to vote directly for their Senators, rather than having state legislatures appoint them.

Answer: Success

Explanation: The direct election of US Senators was implemented through the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1913. This amendment was ratified by the required number of states and is still in effect today. Therefore, it is considered a success as it remains the way the USA elects its senators.

2. Creation of a Federal Income Tax:
Explanation: The creation of a federal income tax refers to the establishment of a tax system in which the federal government collects taxes from individuals and organizations based on their income.

Answer: Success

Explanation: The creation of a federal income tax was achieved with the ratification of the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution in 1913. This amendment granted the federal government the authority to levy taxes on income. Since then, the federal income tax has become a significant revenue source for the US government and is still in effect today.

3. 16-to-1 Ratio of Silver Money to Gold Money:
Explanation: The 16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money refers to a monetary policy that establishes a fixed ratio between the value of silver coins and gold coins.

Answer: Failure

Explanation: The 16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money was an attempt to maintain bimetallism (using both gold and silver as monetary standards) in the late 19th century. However, this policy was abandoned with the passage of the Gold Standard Act of 1900, which established gold as the sole standard for US currency. Therefore, the 16-to-1 ratio of silver money to gold money is considered a failure.

4. Government Control of Railroads:
Explanation: Government control of railroads refers to a policy where the government assumes ownership or control over the operation of the railroad industry.

Answer: Failure

Explanation: Although the US government has regulated and overseen the railroad industry throughout its history, it has not taken full control of the railroads. The government's involvement primarily focuses on safety regulations, subsidies, and ensuring fair competition. Thus, government control of railroads is considered a failure as it was not implemented to the extent of complete ownership or control by the government.

To summarize:

- Direct Election of US Senators
- Creation of a Federal Income Tax

- 16-to-1 Ratio of Silver Money to Gold Money
- Government Control of Railroads