What kind of context clue allows you to define the word eradicate?

A context clue that allows you to define the word "eradicate" is an example or explanation of the word's meaning within the context of a sentence or paragraph. For example:

"Efforts to eradicate the invasive species involved systematic removal of all plants and strict monitoring of the affected areas."

In this context, the phrase "systematic removal of all plants" provides a clue that eradication means complete and thorough elimination or destruction.

In order to define the word "eradicate" using context clues, look for any words or phrases in the surrounding text that provide insight into the meaning of the word. Context clues can be found in the sentence itself or in the surrounding sentences or paragraphs. Here are a few types of context clues that may help define "eradicate":

1. Definition or explanation: The sentence may provide a definition or explanation of the word. For example, "The government implemented a program to eradicate the spread of a contagious disease." Here, the word "eradicate" is explained as eliminating or completely getting rid of the disease.

2. Synonyms or antonyms: Look for words or phrases that are similar or opposite in meaning to the target word. For example, "The exterminator used chemicals to eradicate the pest infestation." Here, the word "exterminate" is a synonym for "eradicate," as both mean to eliminate or destroy completely.

3. Examples or comparisons: The text may provide examples or comparisons that give clues about the meaning of the word. For example, "The foundation's goal is to eradicate poverty in the community by providing job opportunities and education." Here, the word "eradicate" is used in relation to poverty, suggesting that it means to completely eliminate or get rid of it.

By analyzing the context and applying these strategies, you can better understand the meaning of the word "eradicate."

To define the word "eradicate" using context clues, we can look for surrounding words or phrases that provide hints about its meaning. One common type of context clue is the use of synonyms or related words. In this case, you might find words like "eliminate," "destroy," "wipe out," or "exterminate" nearby, which suggest that "eradicate" has a similar meaning. Another type of context clue is antonyms or contrasting words. For example, if you see words like "preserve," "protect," or "save," it implies that "eradicate" means the opposite of those actions. Lastly, specific examples or explanations related to the word can give a clear indication of its meaning. By examining the words and sentences around "eradicate," you can infer its definition based on the information provided.