Which of the following statements best hypothesizes why the Constitution provides for expressed powers?(1 point) Responses Congress needed unlimited power, so the Framers provided for that. Congress needed unlimited power, so the Framers provided for that. Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power. Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power. Congress needed the power to add amendments to the Constitution in the future. Congress needed the power to add amendments to the Constitution in the future. Congress needed the power to pass laws involving taxation.

Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power.

The best statement that hypothesizes why the Constitution provides for expressed powers is: "Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power."

To determine which statement best hypothesizes why the Constitution provides for expressed powers, we need to analyze the context and purpose of expressed powers.

Expressed powers, also known as enumerated powers, are the powers explicitly granted to the Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. These powers outline the authority of the Congress to legislate and govern the country.

Statement 1 suggests that Congress needed unlimited power, so the Framers provided for that. However, this statement is inaccurate because the Framers intended to establish a system of limited government. They did not want to grant unlimited power to any branch of government.

Statement 3 proposes that Congress needed sufficient power to govern but not unlimited power. This statement aligns with the intent of the Framers to create a system of checks and balances, where no branch of government has absolute authority. Congress should possess enough power to effectively govern, but not so much power as to become tyrannical.

Statement 5 claims that Congress needed the power to add amendments to the Constitution in the future. While this statement is true, it does not directly address the purpose of expressed powers. The power to add amendments is found in Article V of the Constitution, rather than in the list of expressed powers in Article I.

Statement 6 suggests that Congress needed the power to pass laws involving taxation. This statement is accurate. Expressed powers include the authority to levy taxes, as specified in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution. Taxation is crucial for Congress to generate revenue and fund necessary government programs.

Considering these arguments, the statement that best hypothesizes why the Constitution provides for expressed powers is Statement 3: Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power.