The chart shows the distances of four stars from the sun in the unit light-years. In one year, light travels a distance of 9,460,528,405,000 km.

Name of Star

Distance from Sun
(in light-years)

Which describes the relative distances of the stars from the Sun?
A. Vega is about 4 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.
B.Polaris is about 8 times further away from the sun than vega.
C. Sirius is about 50 times further away from the Sun than Rigel.
D. Rigel is about 100 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.

The correct answer is C. Sirius is about 50 times further away from the Sun than Rigel.

To determine the relative distances of the stars from the Sun, we need to compare the distances given in the chart.

The distance from the Sun in light-years for each star is as follows:

- Sirius: 8.6 light-years
- Vega: 25.6 light-years
- Polaris: 430.0 light-years
- Rigel: 800.0 light-years

Comparing the distances:

A. Vega is about 4 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.
To calculate this, we divide the distance of Vega by the distance of Sirius:
25.6 light-years / 8.6 light-years ≈ 2.98 ≈ 3, not 4.
So, option A is incorrect.

B. Polaris is about 8 times further away from the Sun than Vega.
To calculate this, we divide the distance of Polaris by the distance of Vega:
430.0 light-years / 25.6 light-years ≈ 16.8 ≈ 17, not 8.
So, option B is also incorrect.

C. Sirius is about 50 times further away from the Sun than Rigel.
To calculate this, we divide the distance of Sirius by the distance of Rigel:
8.6 light-years / 800.0 light-years ≈ 0.01075 ≈ 0.01, not 50.
So, option C is incorrect.

D. Rigel is about 100 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.
To calculate this, we divide the distance of Rigel by the distance of Sirius:
800.0 light-years / 8.6 light-years ≈ 93.02 ≈ 93, which is approximately 100.
So, option D is correct.

Therefore, the answer is option D. Rigel is about 100 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.

To determine the relative distances of the stars from the Sun, we need to compare the distances given in light-years.

Let's calculate the distance in kilometers for each star using the conversion factor: 1 light-year = 9,460,528,405,000 km.

For Sirius:
Distance in km = 8.6 light-years * 9,460,528,405,000 km/light-year ≈ 81,224,724,167,000 km

For Vega:
Distance in km = 25.6 light-years * 9,460,528,405,000 km/light-year ≈ 242,104,805,678,000 km

For Polaris:
Distance in km = 430.0 light-years * 9,460,528,405,000 km/light-year ≈ 4,070,002,613,150,000 km

For Rigel:
Distance in km = 800.0 light-years * 9,460,528,405,000 km/light-year ≈ 7,568,422,724,000,000 km

Now, let's compare the distances to find the correct statement:

A. Vega is about 4 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.
Compare the distance for Sirius (81,224,724,167,000 km) and Vega (242,104,805,678,000 km).
Vega is actually about 3 times (not exactly 4 times) further away from the Sun than Sirius.
So, option A is incorrect.

B. Polaris is about 8 times further away from the Sun than Vega.
Compare the distance for Vega (242,104,805,678,000 km) and Polaris (4,070,002,613,150,000 km).
Polaris is actually about 17 times (not exactly 8 times) further away from the Sun than Vega.
So, option B is incorrect.

C. Sirius is about 50 times further away from the Sun than Rigel.
Compare the distance for Sirius (81,224,724,167,000 km) and Rigel (7,568,422,724,000,000 km).
Sirius is actually about 93 times (not exactly 50 times) closer to the Sun than Rigel.
So, option C is incorrect.

D. Rigel is about 100 times further away from the Sun than Sirius.
Compare the distance for Sirius (81,224,724,167,000 km) and Rigel (7,568,422,724,000,000 km).
Rigel is actually about 93 times (not exactly 100 times) further away from the Sun than Sirius.
So, option D is incorrect.

None of the given options are correct.