How has globalization affected the languages of places?(1 point)ResponsesGlobalization has led to more than 7,000 languages being spoken around the world.Globalization has led to more than 7,000 languages being spoken around the world.English and Spanish have become the major languages of new places because of globalization.English and Spanish have become the major languages of new places because of globalization.Hindi and Mandarin Chinese are major languages worldwide because of globalization.Hindi and Mandarin Chinese are major languages worldwide because of globalization.Globalization has led to all countries sharing in the same language.

Globalization has led to the spread and dominance of certain languages, such as English and Spanish, in various parts of the world. This has occurred due to increased international trade, migration, and cultural exchange facilitated by globalization. As a result, these languages have become major languages in new places. However, it is important to note that globalization has not led to all countries sharing the same language. There are still thousands of languages spoken around the world, with some languages facing the risk of extinction due to the dominance of more widely spoken languages.

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The correct answer is: English and Spanish have become the major languages of new places because of globalization.

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Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is: Globalization has led to the spread and dominance of certain languages, such as English and Spanish, in various parts of the world.

Incorrect. Globalization has not led to all countries sharing the same language. In fact, it has had a complex impact on languages around the world. While some languages, such as English and Spanish, have become more dominant due to globalization, many other languages have also been affected.

One impact of globalization is the spread of dominant languages through media, trade, and cultural exchange. English, for example, has become a global lingua franca, commonly used in international business and diplomacy. This has led to an increase in English proficiency and use in many countries.

At the same time, globalization has also led to the extinction and endangerment of many smaller languages. As dominant languages and cultures prevail, indigenous and minority languages are often marginalized. According to UNESCO, approximately 43% of the world's languages are endangered or at risk of extinction.

However, globalization can also contribute to language revitalization efforts. Through increased connectivity and access to information, marginalized communities can now more easily preserve and promote their languages. This has led to the revitalization of some indigenous languages.

Overall, globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on languages around the world, ranging from the dominance of certain languages to the revitalization and preservation of others.

The correct response is:

Globalization has led to English and Spanish becoming major languages in various parts of the world. This is due to the widespread influence of English-speaking countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, in areas such as trade, media, and technology. Additionally, Spanish-speaking countries, like Spain and many in Latin America, have also experienced globalization and consequently, the use of the Spanish language has spread globally.
To find the answer, you can refer to various sources. Academic articles or books on globalization and language change, as well as language statistics provided by international organizations, can give you comprehensive insights into the impact of globalization on languages. Additionally, conducting interviews or surveys with individuals from different regions or countries that have experienced globalization can provide firsthand information on the language shifts and adaptations occurring in those specific places.