Question The suit has an appearance of wrinkles because of (1 point) Responses cross-hatching that creates a rough texture. cross-hatching that creates a rough texture. hatching that creates darker highlighted sections. hatching that creates darker highlighted sections. stippling that creates a dotted texture. stippling that creates a dotted texture. smudging that creates a smooth transition between light and dark.

The suit has an appearance of wrinkles because of smudging that creates a smooth transition between light and dark.

The suit has an appearance of wrinkles because of cross-hatching that creates a rough texture.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze the options given and understand the techniques mentioned.

1. Cross-hatching that creates a rough texture.
2. Hatching that creates darker highlighted sections.
3. Stippling that creates a dotted texture.
4. Smudging that creates a smooth transition between light and dark.

Based on the options provided, the most suitable answer is:
1. Cross-hatching that creates a rough texture.

Cross-hatching is a shading technique used in drawing that involves the use of intersecting lines to create a darken effect or establish texture. When applied to the suit, cross-hatching can give the appearance of wrinkles by mimicking the intersecting lines of fabric folds and creating a rough, textured surface.

While the other techniques mentioned - hatching, stippling, and smudging - are valid shading techniques, they are not specifically related to creating a wrinkled appearance. Hatching involves the use of parallel lines, stippling uses dots, and smudging involves blending or softening of the lines.

Hence, the correct answer is the first option: Cross-hatching that creates a rough texture.