"Nico!" Erin shouted at the top of her lungs as she bounded through the meadow, "Come back, Nico!" She was nearly out of breath but she kept running through the tall grass. "Nico, come on, boy! It's time to go home!" Erin continued shouting, her voice hoarse from shouting similar expressions all day. Then she stumbled over the leash that she was carrying, "Whoa… Come on Nico!" Erin shouted, regaining her balance.

7. Who is Nico? _____________________________________________________________________
How do you know this?

8. Where did Nico go? _______________________________________________________________
How do you know this?

9. Why has Erin been "shouting similar expressions all day"? _________________________________
How do you know this?

7. Nico is most likely a dog. This can be inferred from Erin shouting commands like "Come back, Nico!" and "Nico, come on, boy! It's time to go home!"

8. Nico went somewhere away from Erin, possibly running off or getting lost. This can be inferred from Erin's continuous shouting and her stumbling over the leash, indicating that she is trying to catch or follow Nico.

9. Erin has been shouting similar expressions all day in an attempt to find and call Nico back. This can be inferred from the statement "her voice hoarse from shouting similar expressions all day" and the fact that she is continuously calling out for Nico.

7. Nico is most likely a dog belonging to Erin. The mention of a leash and Erin calling for Nico to go home suggests that Nico is a pet dog.

I know this because of the information provided in the passage. Erin is shouting for Nico to come back and go home, indicating that Nico is a living being and likely a pet.

8. It is unclear where Nico went based on the given passage. Nico seems to have run off and Erin is trying to find and call him back.

I cannot determine where Nico went based solely on the information provided.

9. Erin has been shouting similar expressions all day because she has been trying to find and call back Nico.

I know this because the passage mentions Erin shouting for Nico to come back multiple times, and her voice becoming hoarse from doing so. This suggests that Erin has been searching for Nico all day and calling for him repeatedly.

To answer the questions about the story, here's how you can find the answers:

7. Who is Nico?
To know who Nico is, we can look at the context provided in the story. Erin is calling out for Nico, indicating that Nico is most likely a living being she wants to find and bring back home. We can infer that Nico is probably a pet or a person based on the mention of a leash and the use of the pronoun "he" ("Come on, boy!"). To find out more specifically who Nico is, we would need more information from the story.

8. Where did Nico go?
The story does not explicitly mention where Nico went, but we can infer that Nico is somewhere in the meadow or nearby based on Erin's search for him. We don't have enough information to provide a specific answer in this case.

9. Why has Erin been "shouting similar expressions all day"?
The story does not explicitly state the reason why Erin has been shouting similar expressions all day, but we can speculate based on the given information. Erin has been searching for Nico, and shouting similar expressions may suggest that Nico has been running away or wandering off frequently. The exact reason would require more information from the story for a definitive answer.