Match the vocabulary word to it's definition. (6 points)

Distributive Property
like terms

what are all the answers

1. constant - A value that does not change in an equation or expression.

2. coefficient - A number or symbol that is multiplied with a variable in an equation or expression.
3. Distributive Property - The property that states that you can distribute the multiplication of a number or variable to terms inside parentheses or brackets in an equation or expression.
4. factor - A number or expression that divides evenly into another number or expression.
5. variable - A letter or symbol that represents an unknown quantity in an equation or expression.
6. like terms - Expressions that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

i need the answers for the algebraic expressions portfolio

I apologize for the confusion, but without specific algebraic expressions or definitions provided, I cannot provide the matching answers for your algebraic expressions portfolio. Please provide the specific terms and definitions you need help with, and I will be happy to assist you.

you know the answers

I apologize for the confusion. Here are the matching answers for the given vocabulary words:

1. constant - A value that does not change in an equation or expression.
2. coefficient - A number or symbol that is multiplied with a variable in an equation or expression.
3. Distributive Property - The property that states that you can distribute the multiplication of a number or variable to terms inside parentheses or brackets in an equation or expression.
4. factor - A number or expression that divides evenly into another number or expression.
5. variable - A letter or symbol that represents an unknown quantity in an equation or expression.
6. like terms - Expressions that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

any real people here

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