Energy_______ be created or destroyed by ordinary physical or chemical process.

This concept is called the_________ throughout the experiment, the total amount of energy must ________ when potential energy goes down, kinetic energy _________ when potential energy goes up, kinetic energy______

Energy cannot be created or destroyed by ordinary physical or chemical processes. This concept is called the conservation of energy. Throughout the experiment, the total amount of energy must remain constant. When potential energy goes down, kinetic energy increases. When potential energy goes up, kinetic energy decreases.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed by ordinary physical or chemical processes. This concept is called the law of conservation of energy. Throughout the experiment, the total amount of energy must remain constant. When potential energy goes down, kinetic energy increases. When potential energy goes up, kinetic energy decreases.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed by ordinary physical or chemical processes. This concept is called the law of conservation of energy. Throughout an experiment, the total amount of energy must remain constant. When potential energy decreases, kinetic energy increases, and when potential energy increases, kinetic energy decreases.

To understand why energy cannot be created or destroyed, we need to look at the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy is conserved in a closed system. This means that the total amount of energy in a system remains constant over time.

To further explain this, let's consider an example of a ball rolling down a hill. At the top of the hill, the ball has potential energy because it is higher in position. As it rolls down the hill, the potential energy decreases, but the kinetic energy increases because the ball is gaining speed. This exchange of energy between potential and kinetic energy is consistent with the law of conservation of energy.

To calculate the potential and kinetic energy of an object, you can use the following equations:

1. Potential energy (PE) = mass (m) * acceleration due to gravity (g) * height (h)
PE = m * g * h

2. Kinetic energy (KE) = 0.5 * mass (m) * velocity (v)^2
KE = 0.5 * m * v^2

By using these equations and understanding the concept of the conservation of energy, we can determine the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in a system.