The graph below shows how the respiratory system changes as a person goes from resting to running to walking to resting again. The respiration rate is the number of breaths a person takes per minute.%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0ABased on the graph, which of the following is a function of the respiratory system?%0D%0A%0D%0AA. %0D%0Ato deliver oxygen to cells for cellular respiration at different rates so that different amounts of energy can be made when needed%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AB. %0D%0Ato detect changes in the outside world through nerve impulses and send these impulses throughout the body%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AC. %0D%0Ato increase the breathing rate during heavy activity so that more carbon dioxide can be absorbed by respiratory cells%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0AD. %0D%0Ato decrease a person's heartbeat during heavy activity and decrease the flow of blood to areas that will pool with blood

Based on the graph, the correct answer is A. The respiratory system changes its rate of oxygen intake and release (breathing rate) to deliver oxygen to cells for cellular respiration at different rates so that different amounts of energy can be made when needed.

Are you positive

Yes, I am confident that the correct answer is A. The graph demonstrates the changing respiratory rate as a person transitions from resting to running to walking, indicating that the respiratory system adjusts oxygen intake and release to meet the varying energy demands of the body.

Based on the graph, the function of the respiratory system is:

A. to deliver oxygen to cells for cellular respiration at different rates so that different amounts of energy can be made when needed.

This is supported by the fact that as the activity level increases from resting to running to walking, the respiration rate also increases, indicating a higher demand for oxygen by the cells to produce energy.

To determine which option is a function of the respiratory system based on the graph, we need to analyze the relationship between the respiratory system and the changes in respiration rate during different activities.

Looking at the graph, we can see that the respiration rate increases during running compared to resting and walking. This suggests that the respiratory system is adjusting to meet the increased oxygen demand of the body during intense physical activity.

Now let's evaluate each option based on this information:

A. "To deliver oxygen to cells for cellular respiration at different rates so that different amounts of energy can be made when needed." This option aligns with the observed increase in respiration rate during running, indicating that the respiratory system is indeed delivering oxygen to the cells at a different rate to generate more energy when needed. So, A could be a function of the respiratory system.

B. "To detect changes in the outside world through nerve impulses and send these impulses throughout the body." This option describes the function of the nervous system rather than the respiratory system. The graph does not provide any evidence supporting the role of the respiratory system in detecting changes in the outside world or transmitting nerve impulses.

C. "To increase the breathing rate during heavy activity so that more carbon dioxide can be absorbed by respiratory cells." This option is consistent with the observed increase in respiration rate during running. It suggests that the purpose of the increased breathing rate is to facilitate the absorption of more carbon dioxide by the respiratory cells to maintain proper gas exchange. Therefore, C could also be a function of the respiratory system.

D. "To decrease a person's heartbeat during heavy activity and decrease the flow of blood to areas that will pool with blood." This option describes the function of the cardiovascular system, specifically the regulation of heart rate and blood flow, rather than the respiratory system.

Based on the analysis, options A and C could be functions of the respiratory system. To determine the correct answer, further information or clarification may be required.