Charity and Sabria both are nail artists. Charity charges $75 for a set of nails with designs and Sabria charges $70 for the same type set of nails. This week Charity made an additional $65 in tips and Sabria made an additional $95 in tips. Given that C and S represent the number of sets of nails completed by Charity (C) and Sabria (S), which expression can be used to represent their combined earnings for the week.


145CS + 160
145CS + 160
145(C + S) + 160
145(C + S) + 160
75C + 70S + 160
75C + 70S + 160
65C + 70S + 160

The correct expression to represent their combined earnings for the week is 75C + 70S + 160.

The expression that can be used to represent their combined earnings for the week is:

75C + 70S + 160

To find the expression that represents the combined earnings for the week, we can start by considering the base prices for Charity and Sabria's services. Charity charges $75 for a set of nails with designs, and Sabria charges $70 for the same type of set.

Next, we need to account for the additional earnings they made in tips. Charity made an additional $65 in tips, while Sabria made an additional $95 in tips.

To calculate the combined earnings, we can multiply the number of sets of nails completed by Charity (C) by the base price of Charity's service ($75), and multiply the number of sets of nails completed by Sabria (S) by the base price of Sabria's service ($70).

Therefore, the expression that represents their combined earnings is: 75C + 70S

Finally, we need to add the additional earnings in tips to the expression. So, the final expression that represents their combined earnings is: 75C + 70S + (65 + 95) = 75C + 70S + 160

Thus, the correct expression is: 75C + 70S + 160.