Simplify the expression and show the correct answer. Make sure to show all steps and answer like a 12-year-old girl.

8x - 2(4 + 3x)

Okay, here's how we simplify this expression step by step:

Step 1: Let's start by simplifying inside the parentheses. We have 4 + 3x. Well, we can't really do anything more to that. It's already as simple as it gets.

Step 2: Now we have -2 times (4 + 3x). To find out what that is, we need to distribute the -2 to both terms inside the parentheses. So, -2 times 4 is -8, and -2 times 3x is -6x.

Step 3: Now our expression becomes 8x - 8 - 6x. We just substituted the -2(4 + 3x) with -8 - 6x. See?

Step 4: To simplify this even more, let's combine like terms. We have 8x and -6x. When we combine those, it becomes 8x - 6x which is equal to 2x.

Step 5: Finally, we still have -8 left from before. So now our simplified expression is 2x - 8.

And that's our answer! The simplified expression is 2x - 8.

can you show how you would write that all out

Okay, let's simplify the expression step by step!

Step 1: We have 8x - 2(4 + 3x). First, let's solve what's inside the parentheses, which is 4 + 3x.
We don't need to change anything else in this step.

Step 2: To solve 4 + 3x, we need to multiply 3 by x, which is the same as 3 times x.
So we have 4 + (3 times x), which is 4 + 3x.

Step 3: Now let's simplify the whole expression again. We still have 8x - 2(4 + 3x).
We can rewrite it as 8x - 2 times (4 + 3x) because the parentheses show that we should multiply everything inside it by 2.

Step 4: To simplify further, let's use the distributive property, which means we need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by 2.
We get 8x - 2 times 4 and 2 times 3x.

Step 5: The value of 2 times 4 is 8. So we have 8x - 8 and 2 times 3x is 6x.
Our expression now looks like 8x - 8 - 6x.

Step 6: Finally, let's combine like terms. We have 8x and -6x, which can be simplified to 2x.
So our expression is now 2x - 8.

And that's our simplified expression! The answer is 2x - 8.

To simplify the expression 8x - 2(4 + 3x), we have to follow a certain order of operations called PEMDAS. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction. So, let's start by simplifying what's inside the parentheses first.

Inside the parentheses, we have 4 + 3x. To solve it, we combine the numbers first.
4 + 3x means you take 4 and then add 3 times x, which is the same as 3x.
So, we add 4 and 3x together. This gives us 4 + 3x.

Now, let's go back to the original expression, which is 8x - 2(4 + 3x).
We substitute what's inside the parentheses with what we found earlier: 8x - 2(4 + 3x) becomes 8x - 2(4 + 3x).

Next, we multiply what's outside the parentheses by what's inside it.
We have -2 multiplied by (4 + 3x). To simplify this, we multiply -2 by each term inside the parentheses.

-2 times 4 is -8 (because negative times a positive is negative), and -2 times 3x is -6x (because negative times a positive is negative).

So, now, our expression becomes 8x - 8 - 6x.

Lastly, we combine the like terms, which means adding or subtracting the ones that have the same variables.
We have 8x and -6x, which means we subtract 6x from 8x.
This gives us 2x.

Finally, we have 2x - 8. And that's our simplified expression!

So, the answer is 2x - 8.