what was one reason Tecumseh wanted to form a confederation?

a. to end fur trading amongst settlers.
b. to stop the advancement of white settlement.
c. to take over the Canadian territory.
d. to have the ability to fight the Warhawks.

b. to stop the advancement of white settlement.

The main reason Tecumseh wanted to form a confederation was:

b. to stop the advancement of white settlement.

Tecumseh and his brother, Tenskwatawa (also known as "The Prophet"), believed that Native American tribes needed to unite in order to defend their lands against the encroachment of white settlers. They saw the formation of a confederation as a way to resist further expansion and maintain their own independence.

To answer this question, we need to understand Tecumseh's motivations and goals. Tecumseh was a prominent Shawnee chief and leader who sought to unite Native American tribes into a confederation in the early 19th century. Through this confederation, Tecumseh envisioned creating a powerful Native American alliance that could resist the encroachment and expansion of white settlers in North America.

To find the answer to this question, we should analyze the given options:

a. To end fur trading amongst settlers: This option is not a primary reason for Tecumseh's desire to form a confederation. While the fur trade impact was a concern for Native Americans, it wasn't the main catalyst driving Tecumseh's efforts.

b. To stop the advancement of white settlement: This option aligns with Tecumseh's overarching goal. The encroachment of white settlers onto Native American lands threatened their way of life, ancestral territories, and resources. Tecumseh aimed to unite tribes to halt this westward expansion.

c. To take over Canadian territory: This option is not accurate. Tecumseh's confederation was focused on Native American interests and resisting white settlement in the United States. Taking over Canadian territory was not a primary objective.

d. To have the ability to fight the Warhawks: The Warhawks were a group of American politicians who advocated for war with Britain in the early 19th century. While Tecumseh collaborated with the British during the War of 1812 to protect Native American lands, his motivation to form a confederation predates the emergence of the Warhawks as a political faction. So, this option is not the main reason for his desire to form a confederation.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. To stop the advancement of white settlement. Tecumseh wanted to create a confederation of Native American tribes to unite them against the encroachment of white settlers and to protect their lands, cultures, and sovereignty.