a tape dispenser holds 1.14 x 10^4 mm of tape this is 12.7 MM wide multiply the two numbers to find the total area in square millimeters of tape write the product in scientific notation

1.4478 x 10^4mm^2

14.478 x 10^5mm^2

1.4478 x 10^5mm^2

14.478 x 10^mm^2

To find the total area of tape in square millimeters, we need to multiply the length of the tape by its width.

Length of tape = 1.14 x 10^4 mm
Width of tape = 12.7 mm

To multiply these two numbers, we multiply the coefficients and add the exponents:

(1.14) x (12.7) x 10^(4+0) = 14.478 x 10^4

Therefore, the total area of tape in square millimeters is 14.478 x 10^4 mm^2.

To find the total area of the tape in square millimeters, you need to multiply the length of the tape by its width.

The length of the tape is 1.14 x 10^4 mm, and the width is 12.7 mm.

To multiply the two numbers, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the two numbers ignoring the powers of 10.
1.14 x 12.7 = 14.478

Step 2: Multiply the powers of 10.
10^4 x 10^0 = 10^4

Step 3: Combine the results from Step 1 and Step 2.
14.478 x 10^4

Since the result is already in scientific notation with the decimal point after the first digit, it remains the same.

Therefore, the total area of the tape in square millimeters is 14.478 x 10^4 square millimeters.

To find the total area in square millimeters of tape, we need to multiply the length (1.14 x 10^4 mm) by the width (12.7 mm).

1.14 x 10^4 mm * 12.7 mm

To multiply these numbers in scientific notation, we multiply the coefficients and add the exponents:

1.14 * 12.7 = 14.478

Since we are working in millimeters, the area will be in square millimeters, so the product is 14.478 mm².

However, we need to express this product in scientific notation.

14.478 = 1.4478 x 10^1

Therefore, the total area of the tape in square millimeters is 1.4478 x 10^1 mm².

Apologies for the mistake in the previous response. Let's calculate it correctly.

To find the total area in square millimeters of tape, we need to multiply the length (1.14 x 10^4 mm) by the width (12.7 mm).

1.14 x 10^4 mm * 12.7 mm

To multiply these numbers in scientific notation, we multiply the coefficients and add the exponents:

1.14 * 12.7 = 14.478

The exponent of 10 is the sum of the exponents in each number: 4 + 0 = 4.

Therefore, the total area of the tape in square millimeters is 14.478 x 10^4 mm² in scientific notation.