As the colonists grew more frustrated with England’s control over the colonies, many sought self-government. The Declaration of Independence was the official document that declared the colony’s independence from Great Britain. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted on July 4, 1776 by the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence officially stated the reason for writing the declaration, the complaints against King George III, and finally the declaring of independence.

States the rights of all people and the reason for the document.

List of complaints against King George III giving evidence to the need for independence.

Ends the document with statement of independence and separation from Great Britain.

Now…write a short Declaration of Independence based on what you know and what you think the colonists would have said. You should have 3 sections (preamble, grievances, and declaration). Signed by…your name (and partners).


We, the people of the American colonies, stand firm in our belief that all individuals are entitled to certain fundamental rights. We believe that government exists to protect these rights and that those who govern should be subject to the will and consent of the governed. We find it necessary to declare our independence from the oppressive rule of Great Britain, as our rights and freedoms have been continually violated.


We have repeatedly petitioned King George III for the redress of our grievances, yet our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. The King has imposed upon us unjust taxes without our consent and has hindered our ability to freely trade with other nations. He has stationed troops within our towns and forced us to house and feed them against our will, violating our right to privacy and infringing upon our property rights.

Furthermore, the King has denied us the right to trial by jury, instead subjecting us to unfair and arbitrary judgments imposed by his own appointed officials. He has restricted our ability to govern ourselves, infringing upon our right to self-determination. The King has also disrupted our economic prosperity by imposing unjust regulations and restrictions on our industries and trade.


Therefore, we, the American colonies, do hereby declare that we are separate and independent from the tyrannical rule of Great Britain. We assert our right to establish our own government, free from unreasonable interference. We shall no longer submit to the unjust laws and oppressive policies imposed upon us by King George III and his Parliament.

We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to defend our newfound independence and the rights of all people. We shall rally together and form a new nation, one built upon the principles of liberty, equality, and justice for all.

[Your Name] (and Partners)

Now…write a short Declaration of Independence based on what you know and what you think the colonists would have said. You should have 3 sections (preamble, grievances, and declaration). Signed by…your name (and partners).


We, the courageous colonists of these vast American lands, imbued with the belief in the inherent rights of mankind, declare the necessity for self-governance and the liberation of these colonies from the oppressive grip of Great Britain. We acknowledge that all individuals are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and it is our firm conviction that government exists to secure these rights.


We have repeatedly voiced our pleas and concerns to King George III and his Parliament, yet our cries have fallen upon deaf ears. In blatant disregard for our well-being and prosperity, the King has imposed burdensome taxes upon us without our consent, choking our economic growth and stifling our ability to thrive. He has treated us as mere sources of revenue, using our hard-earned wealth to finance his own lavish interests while neglecting our needs.

Moreover, King George III has deprived us of our God-given right to fair representation and self-determination. He has imposed upon us a tyrannical rule, unilaterally passing laws that bind and oppress us without our input or consent. He has obstructed our ability to govern ourselves, undermining our autonomy and denying our sacred right to chart our own destiny.


In light of these egregious injustices, we, the valiant inhabitants of these American colonies, do solemnly declare our separation from Great Britain. We establish ourselves as an independent nation, free from the chains of imperial control. We shall forge a government established upon the principles of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and future generations. We shall stand united, prepared to defend our newfound independence against any who dare threaten it. May God guide and bless our efforts as we strive to build a nation rooted in the liberty and self-governance of its people.

[Your Name] (and Partners)


We, the colonists of the American colonies, stand united in our pursuit of liberty and self-governance. We believe that all people are inherently entitled to certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, it is necessary to establish a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In light of the increasing frustration with England's control over our lands and lives, we hereby declare our intention to break free from the shackles of British tyranny and declare our independence.


We present these grievances against King George III as evidence of the urgent and imperative need for our separation from Great Britain:

1. King George III has relentlessly imposed unjust taxes upon us without our consent, burdening us with heavy financial obligations and undermining our economic well-being.

2. He has enacted oppressive laws and regulations without our consent, depriving us of our basic rights to self-governance and representation in the decision-making process.

3. King George III has consistently violated our freedom of speech, press, and assembly, as he seeks to suppress our ability to express our grievances and advocate for our rights.

4. He has denied us a fair trial by jury and imposed cruel and unusual punishments upon us, disregarding the principles of justice and fairness.

5. King George III has maintained a standing army among us without consent, using it as a tool to intimidate and control us, infringing upon our personal liberties and violating our sense of security.


Therefore, in light of these injustices and the relentless oppression endured by the colonies, we, the undersigned, do hereby declare our independence from the rule of King George III and Great Britain. We assert our right to establish a government that safeguards our liberties and ensures our equality, where the voices of the people are heard and respected. We solemnly pledge to protect and defend this newfound independence, and to work tirelessly towards building a nation that upholds the values of freedom, justice, and equality for all.


[Your Name]
[Your Partner's Name]


We, the people of the colonies, stand united in the pursuit of freedom and self-governance. It is our inherent right to determine our own destiny and to govern ourselves, free from the control of a distant power.


We, the people, declare our grievances against King George III, who has shown a disregard for the rights and welfare of the colonies. His actions have infringed upon our liberties and undermined our ability to thrive as a self-sustaining society. We present the following grievances as evidence of the urgent need for independence:

1. King George III has denied us representation in the decision-making processes that affect our lives, imposing unjust laws and regulations upon us without our consent.

2. He has imposed unfair taxes upon us without our consent, burdening us with financial hardships and hindering our economic growth.

3. He has quartered soldiers among us, forcing us to house and feed them against our will, thus violating our right to privacy and security within our own homes.

4. King George III has obstructed justice by interfering with our legal systems, denying us a fair trial by jury, and even denying our basic rights to a fair and impartial legal process.

5. He has subjected us to arbitrary governance, dissolving our colonial legislatures, and using his power to appoint officials who are unaccountable to the people they are supposed to serve.

6. He has restricted our trade and economic opportunities, impeding the growth and prosperity of our colonies for his own selfish gains.


Therefore, we, the people of the colonies, solemnly declare our separation from Great Britain. We declare ourselves free and independent states, capable of self-governance and forging our own destinies. We assume the powers of self-rule and pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to defend and preserve the liberty we hold dear.

Signed by: [Your Name] and [Partner's Name]