give me two words that god has been dealing with on. Example: "the word may be grace, wisdom, or love, or purity."

justice and forgiveness

Sure! Two words that are closely associated with God are "forgiveness" and "salvation."

1. Forgiveness: This word refers to God's act of pardoning and absolving individuals from their sins. In many religious beliefs, God is considered merciful and forgiving, offering people a chance to repent and be forgiven for their wrongdoings.

2. Salvation: This word encompasses the idea of being saved or delivered from sin, death, and its consequences. It is often associated with the belief that God has provided a way for individuals to attain eternal life or spiritual redemption through faith or righteous actions.

Please let me know if you need any further information or if there's anything else I can assist you with!

Two words that are often associated with the concept of God are "faith" and "mercy."

To understand how these words relate to God, it is helpful to look at their definitions and their significance in religious contexts:

1. Faith: Faith is a strong belief or trust in someone or something, often without the need for proof or evidence. In religious contexts, faith refers to the belief in God's existence, teachings, and promises. It involves having a deep sense of trust in God's wisdom, power, and goodness.

To experience faith, people usually rely on religious teachings, scriptures, and personal experiences to develop and strengthen their belief in God. Faith is often considered a vital aspect of many religious practices as it provides comfort, guidance, and the foundation for a meaningful relationship with the divine.

2. Mercy: Mercy is the compassionate treatment, leniency, or forgiveness shown toward someone who deserves punishment or judgment. In religious beliefs, mercy reflects God's loving and forgiving nature. It is often seen as an attribute of God's character, expressed towards humanity.

Mercy is understood as God's willingness to forgive human failings, shortcomings, and sins, offering redemption and the possibility of a second chance. It is considered a divine virtue that inspires followers to seek forgiveness, show kindness, and extend compassion towards others.

Both faith and mercy play crucial roles in religious traditions worldwide, shaping the relationship between individuals and the divine. Studying religious texts, engaging in prayer or meditation, and participating in religious rituals and practices can further deepen one's understanding and experience of these concepts.