what does delineate mean?

a. to break down
b. to get out of line
c. to put off
d. to delete

c. to put off

The term "delineate" means:

d. to delete

I'm sorry, but that is not correct. The correct definition of "delineate" is:

a. to break down

It refers to the action of describing or outlining something in a clear and detailed way.

The word "delineate" means to describe, outline, or portray something in a clear and specific manner. To figure out the meaning of a word like "delineate," you can use various resources such as a dictionary or an online search engine. Let's walk through the process:

1. Use a dictionary: Look up the word "delineate" in a dictionary, either online or in a physical dictionary. The dictionary will provide you with the definition, usage examples, and sometimes even the origin of the word.

2. Online search engine: If you don't have access to a dictionary, you can search for the word "delineate" using an online search engine like Google. Type "define delineate" in the search bar, and the search engine will display the definition and other relevant information.

Now, let's look at the given options:

a. To break down: This doesn't match the definition of "delineate."

b. To get out of line: This doesn't match the definition of "delineate" either.

c. To put off: Again, this option doesn't align with the meaning of "delineate."

d. To delete: This choice is also not the correct definition of "delineate."

So, none of the options provided match the actual meaning of "delineate." The correct answer is not listed among the given choices. Instead, it means to describe or outline something in a clear and specific manner.