For the question, identify how the underlined gerund or gerund phrase is used in the sentence.

She has finished several things by staying focused.
(1 point)

direct object
direct object

predicate nominative
predicate nominative

indirect object
indirect object

object of a preposition

The underlined gerund phrase "staying focused" is used as the object of the preposition "by".

The underlined gerund phrase in the sentence "She has finished several things by staying focused" is used as the object of a preposition.

To determine how the underlined gerund or gerund phrase is used in the sentence, we need to identify its function.

In the given sentence, the underlined gerund phrase is "staying focused."

To identify the function, we need to analyze how "staying focused" relates to the verb "has finished" and the subject "she" in the sentence.

In this case, "staying focused" is describing how she has finished several things. It is acting as an adverbial phrase, providing information about the manner in which the action of finishing things was accomplished.

Therefore, the correct answer is "object of a preposition," as the gerund phrase is serving as the object of the preposition "by."