Find the word emphasis in panel 6 on page 45 of Nimona. Use context clues in the surrounding sentences, as well as the sentence in which the word appears, to determine the word’s meaning. Write your definition here and identify clues that helped you figure out its meaning.

Unfortunately, without the actual text from "Nimona," I am unable to provide a specific answer to your question. However, I can give you a general approach on how to find the word emphasis and determine its meaning using context clues.

1. Look for the word "emphasis" in panel 6 on page 45 of "Nimona."
2. Read the sentence in which "emphasis" appears.
3. Take note of any words or phrases in the sentence that provide clues or hints about the meaning of "emphasis." These clues could include synonyms, antonyms, descriptive language, or comparisons.
4. Consider the surrounding sentences to gain a broader context and gather additional clues.
5. Use your understanding of the clues and your own knowledge of vocabulary to formulate a definition for "emphasis."

Remember to approach this question by considering the specific context in which the word appears, as it may vary from its general definition.

To accurately determine the meaning of the word "emphasis" in panel 6 on page 45 of Nimona, I would need access to the actual page from the book. As an AI, I cannot browse physical books or access specific panels.

However, based on the general understanding of the word "emphasis," it refers to giving special importance or prominence to something. Context clues in the surrounding sentences and the sentence in which the word appears can help determine its meaning.

Possible clues in the surrounding sentences may include:

1. Words or phrases indicating the importance or significance of a particular topic or idea, such as "key," "central," "prominent," "main focus," or "highlighted."
2. Descriptive adjectives or adverbs that indicate intensification or special attention, such as "strong," "strongly," "intense," or "heavily."

Considering these clues, the word "emphasis" in panel 6 on page 45 of Nimona is likely used to bring attention to or highlight a specific subject or idea within the story.

To find the word "emphasis" in panel 6 on page 45 of Nimona, you will need to consult the physical copy of the book or an online version that provides page numbers and panels. Once you locate panel 6 on page 45, you can examine the sentences and surrounding information to determine the meaning of the word "emphasis."

To help you understand its meaning, consider the following clues from the context:

1. Pay attention to the sentences before and after the word "emphasis" in panel 6.
2. Look for any repeated words or phrases related to "emphasis" or any other clues that might give insight into its meaning.
3. Consider the overall theme or topic being discussed in the surrounding sentences or the entire page to provide additional context.

By analyzing the context clues, you can determine the likely definition of "emphasis" based on how the word is used in the sentence and its relationship to other words and phrases in the comic panel.