A painter earns $15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve. Show your work.

my answer

15h > 200

h > 200/5

h > 13 1/3

1/3(60) = 60/3 = 20

h > 13 1/3

To simplify the fraction 1/3, we can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 20:

1/3 * 20 = 20/3


h > 13 1/3

can be rewritten as

h > 13 + 20/3

To convert the mixed number into an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number by the denominator and add it to the numerator:

h > 13 + (20/3)
= (39/3) + (20/3)
= 59/3

Therefore, the painter must work at least 59/3 hours, or approximately 19.67 hours, to earn at least $200.

To solve this problem, we set up the following inequality:

15h ≥ 200

To find the minimum number of hours the painter must work, we need to isolate h on one side of the inequality. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 15:

h ≥ 200/15

Simplifying the right side gives:

h ≥ 40/3

To convert this to a mixed number, we divide 40 by 3:

40 ÷ 3 = 13 1/3

Therefore, the painter must work at least 13 1/3 hours to earn at least $200.

To solve this problem, we need to find the minimum number of hours the painter must work in order to earn at least $200. Let's set up an inequality to represent this situation.

Let h be the number of hours the painter works. Since the painter earns $15 per hour, we can write the inequality:

15h ≥ 200

Now, let's solve for h.

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 15:

h ≥ 200/15

Simplifying the right side:

h ≥ 40/3

To convert the fraction to a mixed number, we divide the numerator (40) by the denominator (3):

40 ÷ 3 = 13 with a remainder of 1

So, 40/3 = 13 1/3.

Therefore, the painter must work at least 13 1/3 hours (or approximately 13 hours and 20 minutes) to earn at least $200.