With which US policy or principle was the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad MOST associated? (1 point) Responses American exceptionalism American exceptionalism the Roosevelt Corollary the Roosevelt Corollary Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny the Monroe Doctrine

Manifest Destiny

The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad was most associated with the principle of Manifest Destiny.

The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad in the United States is most closely associated with the principle of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was a belief or idea prevalent in the 19th century that the United States was destined to expand its territory from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast. It was based on the belief of American exceptionalism, the idea that America was a unique and exceptional nation with a special destiny.

To arrive at this answer, one can analyze the context and historical significance of the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad was a massive engineering project that connected the eastern coast of the United States with the western coast, spanning over 1,900 miles. The construction of the railroad played a key role in facilitating westward expansion, trade, and the development of the western territories.

Manifest Destiny was a mindset that fueled westward expansion during this time period. It was the idea that the United States was predestined to extend its borders and spread its civilization across the entire North American continent. The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad contributed to the realization of this goal, as it provided a means of transportation and communication that connected the already settled eastern parts of the country with the newly acquired western territories.

Therefore, of the options given, Manifest Destiny is the most closely associated principle with the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad.