Which of the following best describes the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

(1 point)
• In a direct democracy, the people make laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.
• In a representative democracy, the people make the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
• In a representative democracy, dictators makes the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
• In a direct democracy, dictators makes the laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.

In a direct democracy, the people make the laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.

The correct answer is:

• In a direct democracy, the people make laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.

The best answer to this question is: In a direct democracy, the people make laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, we need to understand the definitions of direct democracy and representative democracy:

- Direct democracy: In a direct democracy, citizens directly participate in making decisions and passing laws. This means that the people themselves vote on legislative proposals and policy decisions, without the need for elected representatives.

- Representative democracy: In a representative democracy, citizens elect officials or representatives to make decisions and pass laws on their behalf. These representatives serve as the voice of the people and are responsible for making informed choices that reflect the interests and values of their constituents.

Based on these definitions, the key difference between direct democracy and representative democracy is the level of citizen participation in the decision-making process. In a direct democracy, the people themselves make laws through direct voting, whereas in a representative democracy, the elected officials make laws on behalf of the citizens.