What was one strength of the article Confederation

One strength of the article "Confederation" is its comprehensive coverage of the topic. It provides a thorough overview of the concept of confederation, highlighting its historical context, key features, advantages, and potential drawbacks. The article delves into various examples of confederations throughout history, giving readers a well-rounded understanding of the topic. Additionally, it discusses contemporary confederations, such as the European Union, which helps readers see the relevance of confederation in modern governance systems. Overall, the article presents a well-researched and informative account of confederation, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to learn about this form of political organization.

One strength of the article Confederation is that it provided a framework for the governance of the newly formed United States after gaining independence from Britain. It established a structure for a central government with a Congress that had the power to declare war, make treaties, and regulate trade. The article also allowed for the admission of new states into the union and provided guidelines for the division of land in the Western territories. Overall, it provided a basic system of governance that helped the United States transition from a loose association of states to a more unified nation.

To determine one strength of the article "Confederation," you would need to access and read the article itself.

If you don't have the article available, you can try searching for it online using relevant keywords. Start by searching for the article title, "Confederation," along with any additional information such as the author, publication date, or the context in which it was written. This might help you find the article through various sources like academic databases, online news portals, or digital libraries.

Once you have located the article, you can read it carefully to identify the strengths presented by the author. A strength could be any aspect of the article that showcases its quality, validity, comprehensiveness, or persuasive argumentation.

Some potential strengths of an article on "Confederation" could include:
1. Thorough research: The article might feature in-depth research, including references to primary sources, historical documents, or scholarly works.
2. Balanced perspective: The author might present different viewpoints on the Confederation, considering multiple sides of the argument and offering a nuanced analysis.
3. Clarity and organization: The article might be well-structured, employing clear and concise language that is easy to understand.
4. Credible sources: The author might reference reliable and authoritative sources, bolstering the article's overall credibility.
5. Original insights: The article might present fresh ideas, interpretations, or discoveries regarding the Confederation that contribute to the field of study.

By accessing and reading the article, you can gather the necessary information to identify and describe one of its strengths.