Which of the statements regarding processing is true A-Top down processing is a process recognizing and processing component of a pattern

B-Top down processing aloud you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern
C-Bottom up processing is guided by experience, expectations and motivations
D-Bottom up processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern

B-Top down processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.

The correct statement regarding processing is B- Top-down processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.

To determine which statement about processing is true, we will analyze each option:

A- Top down processing is a process recognizing and processing a component of a pattern.
B- Top down processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.
C- Bottom-up processing is guided by experience, expectations, and motivations.
D- Bottom-up processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.

Top-down processing refers to the use of pre-existing knowledge, expectations, and context to interpret incoming sensory information. It involves starting with the "big picture" or overall framework and then filling in the details. On the other hand, bottom-up processing refers to the analysis of the individual sensory stimuli and building up to a final perceptual interpretation.

Statement A suggests that top-down processing is involved in recognizing and processing a component of a pattern, which is not an accurate description of top-down processing. It doesn't focus on individual components directly.

Statement B correctly describes the role of top-down processing, as it allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern. This is because top-down processing uses prior knowledge and expectations to make assumptions and fill in missing information.

Statement C describes bottom-up processing, which is correct. It is indeed guided by experience, expectations, and motivations in interpreting sensory input.

Statement D suggests that bottom-up processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern. However, this is not an accurate description of bottom-up processing. Bottom-up processing is primarily concerned with analyzing the individual components and building up to a final interpretation, rather than filling in missing information.

Therefore, the correct statement is B- Top down processing allows you to fill in the gaps in an incomplete or ambiguous pattern.