Which statement best summarizes an economic consequence of the Russian Revolution?

A. Production increased as the Soviet Union moved to a capitalist economy.
B. Agricultural cultivation became more efficient when land was collectivized.
C. The quality of life in the Soviet Union increased as a result of greater government economic control.
D. Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

D. Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

D. Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced.

To answer this question, we can start by understanding the economic consequences of the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution, which occurred in 1917, led to the overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the establishment of the Soviet Union. After this revolution, Russia underwent significant changes in its economic system.

One economic consequence of the Russian Revolution was the collectivization of land. Under the Soviet government, private land ownership was abolished, and land was collectively owned and operated by the state or cooperatives. This was done in an attempt to increase agricultural efficiency and productivity by pooling resources and implementing modern farming techniques. As a result, option B, "Agricultural cultivation became more efficient when land was collectivized," best summarizes this consequence.

Option A, "Production increased as the Soviet Union moved to a capitalist economy," is incorrect because the Soviet Union did not transition to a capitalist economy after the revolution. On the contrary, it adopted a command economy, where the government controlled the means of production.

Option C, "The quality of life in the Soviet Union increased as a result of greater government economic control," is also incorrect. While government control over the economy increased, the quality of life in the Soviet Union was mixed and varied over time, with both improvements and significant challenges.

Option D, "Shortages became more common as the government dictated what was produced," is partially accurate. The Soviet government did exercise significant control over the production and distribution of goods, which could lead to shortages and imbalances in the availability of certain products. However, it does not fully capture all the economic consequences of the Russian Revolution.

In summary, the correct statement that best summarizes an economic consequence of the Russian Revolution is option B: "Agricultural cultivation became more efficient when land was collectivized."