Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 123,893, 31,892, or 12,786. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)

To determine which of these numbers has the least value, we need to convert them into scientific notation.

The numbers in scientific notation are:

123,893 = 1.23893 x 10^5
31,892 = 3.1892 x 10^4
12,786 = 1.2786 x 10^4

From the three numbers in scientific notation, we can see that 1.2786 x 10^4 is the smallest.

1.2786 x 10^4

Yes, 1.2786 x 10^4 is the smallest value among the given numbers when expressed in scientific notation.

Compare 364,879; 463,000; and 436,765 using scientific notation. Which number has the least value?(1 point)


4.36765 ×105
4.36765 times 10 superscript 5 baseline


4.63 ×105
4.63 times 10 superscript 5 baseline

3.64879 ×105

To compare the numbers 364,879, 463,000, and 436,765 using scientific notation, we need to convert them into scientific notation.

The numbers in scientific notation are:

364,879 = 3.64879 x 10^5
463,000 = 4.63 x 10^5
436,765 = 4.36765 x 10^5

We can see that 3.64879 x 10^5 is the smallest value among the given numbers when expressed in scientific notation. Therefore, 364,879 has the least value.

To compare the numbers using scientific notation, we need to convert them to a common base and compare the exponents.

Let's convert each number to scientific notation:

123,893 = 1.23893 × 10^5
31,892 = 3.1892 × 10^4
12,786 = 1.2786 × 10^4

Comparing the exponents, we can see that 3.1892 × 10^4 has the least value.

To determine which number has the least value, we can convert them to scientific notation.

Scientific notation expresses a number as the product of a coefficient and a power of 10. The coefficient should be between 1 and 10, and the power of 10 represents how many places the decimal point must be moved.

Let's convert each number and compare:

1. 123,893: Move the decimal point to the left until you have a coefficient between 1 and 10. The decimal point needs to be moved four places to the left, giving us 1.23893. The power of 10 is 10^4 since we moved the decimal point left by four places. So the scientific notation for 123,893 is 1.23893 × 10^4.

2. 31,892: Move the decimal point to the left to get a coefficient between 1 and 10. This requires moving the decimal point four places to the left, giving us 3.1892. The power of 10 is 10^4 since we moved the decimal point four places left. So the scientific notation for 31,892 is 3.1892 × 10^4.

3. 12,786: Move the decimal point to the left to get a coefficient between 1 and 10. This requires moving the decimal point three places to the left, giving us 1.2786. The power of 10 is 10^4 since we moved the decimal point three places left. So the scientific notation for 12,786 is 1.2786 × 10^4.

Comparing the coefficients, we can see that 1.23893 < 3.1892 < 1.2786. Therefore, the number with the least value in scientific notation is 123,893, which is expressed as 1.23893 × 10^4.