Simplify. −6(14x−23x+56x) (1 point) Responses −xnegative x −212xnegative 2 and 1 half x 34x3 fourths x 2x

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms:

−6(14x−23x+56x) = −6(-9x+56x) = −6(47x) = -282x

So, the simplified expression is -282x.

hold on put the brakes on it the answers where.

-2 1/2x
so can you plz correct your mistake

Apologies for the mistake in the previous response.

To simplify the expression −6(14x−23x+56x):

Combining like terms within parentheses:
14x - 23x + 56x = 47x

Now, multiply the result by -6:
-6 * 47x = -282x

So, the correct simplified expression is -282x.

wrong again plz go over the answers and question again and fix your answer

Apologies for the confusion. Let's simplify the expression correctly.

We have −6(14x−23x+56x).

Combining the like terms inside the parentheses gives us -6(-9x+56x).

Simplifying further, we get -6(47x).

Multiplying -6 by 47x gives us -282x.

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is -282x.

I apologize for the previous incorrect answers. Thank you for pointing that out.

no still wrong😤

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Let's go through the simplification process again.

We have −6(14x−23x+56x).

Combining the like terms inside the parentheses, we have:
−6(-9x+56x) = −6(47x)

Multiplying -6 by 47x gives us:
−6(47x) = -282x

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is -282x.

I apologize for the confusion caused by the previous incorrect responses. Thank you for your patience.

the question ask to simplfy -6 ( (1)/(4)x-(2)/(3)x + (5)/(6)x)

and the answers are
-2 1/2x
know answer it correctly

Apologies for the confusion. Let's simplify the expression correctly.

We have -6( (1/4)x - (2/3)x + (5/6)x).

First, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions in the expression, which is 12.

Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 12, we get:
-6( (3/12)x - (8/12)x + (10/12)x).

Simplifying further, we have:
-6( (3-8+10)/12 )x.

Combining the numerators, we get:
-6( 5/12 )x.

Now, we can multiply the fractions and simplify:
-6 * (5/12) * x = -30/12 * x = -5/2 * x = -2 1/2x.

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is -2 1/2x.

Apologies again for the previous incorrect responses. Thank you for your patience.

To simplify the expression −6(14x−23x+56x), you need to perform the multiplication and combine like terms.

First, distribute the -6 to each term inside the parentheses:
−6 * 14x + (-6) * (-23x) + (-6) * 56x

Simplifying each term, you get:
-84x + 138x - 336x

Next, combine the like terms by adding or subtracting:
(-84 + 138 - 336) x

Simplifying further:
(-282) x

The result is -282x.