What countries are located in central America?

The countries located in Central America are:

1. Belize
2. Costa Rica
3. El Salvador
4. Guatemala
5. Honduras
6. Nicaragua
7. Panama

Central America is a region comprised of the following countries:

1. Belize
2. Costa Rica
3. El Salvador
4. Guatemala
5. Honduras
6. Nicaragua
7. Panama

These seven countries make up the Central American isthmus, which connects North America and South America.

Central America is a region located between North America and South America. It consists of seven countries. To find out the names of these countries, you can search online or directly refer to a map of Central America.

One of the reliable sources for finding countries is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook, which provides comprehensive information about countries around the world. Here are the seven countries in Central America:

1. Belize
2. Costa Rica
3. El Salvador
4. Guatemala
5. Honduras
6. Nicaragua
7. Panama

By searching for a map of Central America or referring to authoritative sources like the CIA World Factbook, you can easily discover the countries located in this region.