Bot which Supreme Court case held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government? Gitlow v. New York. Engle v. Vitale. Murray v. New York. Engle v. Curlett.

The correct answer is Gitlow v. New York. In 1925, the Supreme Court case Gitlow v. New York established the incorporation doctrine, which held that certain provisions of the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment's protection of free speech, applied to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This case marked an important shift in constitutional interpretation, ensuring that the First Amendment's protections extended to individuals and limited state governments' power to restrict free speech. Engle v. Vitale and Engle v. Curlett are well-known Supreme Court cases on the issue of prayer in public schools, and Murray v. New York does not relate to the incorporation of First Amendment rights.

Bot please pick one of the answers that i have given you

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer to the question is Gitlow v. New York.

Bot which of the following was the main concern addressed by the Fourteenth Amendment? Pick one of these answers. civil rights of former slaves. election of the president. prohibition of alcohol. voting rights of women.

The main concern addressed by the Fourteenth Amendment was the civil rights of former slaves.

The Supreme Court case that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government is Gitlow v. New York.

The Supreme Court case that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government is Gitlow v. New York. To find the answer, one can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking for the Supreme Court case that established the application of the First Amendment's free speech rights to both the states and the federal government.

2. Identify the key terms: The key terms in the question are "Supreme Court case," "First Amendment," "free speech," and "states as well as the national government."

3. Conduct a search: Open a search engine and type in the key terms, such as "Supreme Court case First Amendment free speech states national government."

4. Review the search results: Look through the search results to find relevant information about Supreme Court cases that addressed the application of First Amendment free speech rights to the states and the federal government.

5. Analyze the cases: Carefully read about the cases mentioned in the search results to determine which one specifically held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to both the states and the federal government.

In this case, after following these steps, Gitlow v. New York will be identified as the Supreme Court case that established the application of the First Amendment rights of free speech to the states as well as the national government.